I have been making lavendar sachets recently. Another etsian, QueenofAllTrades, is having a home show this weekend, and requested giveaways for her favor-bags, for people who purchased more than $20. I offered my sachets, and she graciously accepted my offer. So of course I forgot all about it, dealing with my injured knee and all, until Monday this week, when I contacted her and she said it was this weekend, and she's in California and I'm in NY, and I needed to make them still...AARRGGHHH!!!
So, I got busy as they say. I used material left over from making my new 20"x20" throw pillows. I was going to staple my business card to each sachet, so I measured and cut out 3"x8" strips, sewed them into pouches, ironed, filled them with an 80% lavendar/20% chamoimile blend, and sewed them shut:

There! Done! I actually did 23 for Queen, and sent them overnight, guaranteed to be delivered no later than 3pm on Saturday, so hopefully in time for lots of her goody bags. So there I was on a roll, you might say. I looked around, and found a piece of this, and made two lovely large sachets, to showcase the embroidery:

I also had a piece of 100% deep red-like-wine silk, with a sewn trellis pattern, and made eight sweet and sexy sachets:

I also had this wonderful soft cotton printed in a tropical theme and made three more sachets. These are completely different than the other two. I made my own bedspread out of this material, a couple of years ago. I will show it to you when I put it back on my bed, for summer. Meanwhile, I'm happy with the sachets:

So, for my SBS sale, there will be no shipping charges on these new sachets!!! Please write something on the notes to seller - SBS, or blog, or something so I know you purchased during our Saturday Blog Shoppers event, and please also go to the other terrific etsians by clicking on the link on the left-hand sidebar.
Thanks for all your comments, for reading and looking, and looking at the other shops too!!!!